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Selective Purification System

This system selectively removes desired contaminants (ex. turbidity, fluorine, nitrate nitrogen, uranium, etc.) from water.


  • Recommend to install in any water source with exceeding level of contaminants like turbidity, fluorine, nitrate nitrogen, and uranium
  • An efficient solution to remove target contaminant
  • Can be operated without external power


It is divided into model name, capacity, and specifications.
Model Capacity Specifications
HC-30 30 ton / day W640 x D1400 x H1600 mm
HC-50 50 ton / day W640 x D1400 x H1900 mm


특허청 Korean Intellectual Property Office INNOBIZ 기술혁신형중소기업 중소벤처기업부 Ministry of SMEs and Startups 나라장터 국가종합 전자조달
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